Dr. 扎Abuhamdieh

Dr. 扎Abuhamdieh
Associate Professor
Electronics and Computer Engineering 技术, 部门 of
Bailey College of Engineering and 技术
Myers 技术 Center, room 301E


  • M.B.A. - Management, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - 2001
  • Ph.D. - Management Information Systems, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - 2001
  • M.B.A. - Management, The University of Jordan - 1994
  • B.A. - Administrative Sciences, Mu'tah University - 1989

Professional Webpage


Awards and Honors

  • Excellence in Teaching Award - 2017
  • Summer Research Grant Award - 2009
  • Tae Won Sohn Award - 2001

Intellectual Contributions

  • A Comparative Study of 校园 Portal User Acceptance: Student and 教师 Perspectives - Journal of STEM 教育, 创新, 和研究, 奥本, AL - 2007
  • An Evaluation of the Web Presence of a Nonprofit Organization: Using the Balanced Scorecard Approach in Ecommerce - IFIP8.2 WG Conference Proceedings, USA - 2002
  • Assessing Strategic Organizational Web Presence of Non-Profit Regional Performing Arts Groups - 联合会8.2 Working Group Proceedings, New Orleans, LA - 2001
  • Assessing Visitor Satisfaction with Organizational Web Presence in the Nonprofit Sector: A Case Study from the Performing Arts - Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute - 2001
  • Beyond E-Commerce: Evaluating the Strategic Impact of Web Presence For Non-Profit Organizations - Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute - 2000


  • A Meta-Cognitive Web Information 搜索 Model. 联合会8.2组,2005年.
  • Trust Factors in Consumer-To-Consumer Electronic Commerce. Information 资源 Management Association 国际, 2004.

University 服务

  • Role: Member - General 教育 Council 2005 - 2005
  • Role: Member - University Academic Sub-committee 2007 - 2010

Professional 服务

  • Role: Conference-Related - Decision Sciences Institute 2001 - 2001
  • Role: Program Organizer - Decision Sciences Institute 2008 - 2008
  • Role: Session Chair - Decision Sciences Institute 2001 - 2001
  • Role: Reviewer, Journal Article - Journal reviewer 2001