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音乐 Industry Studies 小

24 total credits

音乐 Core Common Requirements (9 credits)
Required of ALL 音乐 Industry Studies minor students.

亩207: Introduction to the 音乐 Industry
亩307: Career Management in the 音乐 Industry
亩334: Topics in 音乐

音乐 Choice (3 credits)

For ALL minor students; choose one of the following music courses:

亩101: Fundamentals of 音乐
MUS 150: Introduction to 音乐al Traditions
亩233: 音乐 Appreciation
亩236: Survey of American Popular 音乐 Traditions
亩237: Introduction to World 音乐 and Culture
亩300: The 历史 of Rock
亩333: Masterpieces of Classical 音乐

Courses Required for Non-Business Majors (9 credits):

ACCT 200: Survey of Accounting
301年管理: Survey of Management
MKTG 301: Introduction to Marketing


Courses Required for Business Majors (9 credits):

公交201: Principles of Accounting I
BUS 361: Principles of Marketing
BUS 371: Management and Organizational Behavior

音乐 Electives (3 credits):

Any MUS course or combination of MUS courses (other than those otherwise applied towards the minor) including ensembles or applied study.