

When Indiana State Normal School opened in 1870, one of the first five faculty members was Miss Julia Newell, Lady Principal and Professor of 英语 Language and Literature. Even though the initial enrollment was a mere twenty-one students, and the library was composed of an unabridged dictionary and a bible, the educational work began—primarily with composition and the classics. It’s not likely that Newell earned the $1,有些教授赚了200美元, but she was instrumental in forwarding the educational training of eight male and seventeen female students. Several years later, Newell was joined by Miss Mary A. 布莱斯•, Professor of 英语 Grammar and Composition, and in later years by professors whose names are familiar even today, including Howard Sandison and William Parsons. 然后, 像现在一样, 英语 courses were required of all students (six semesters’ worth in the 1880s), and literature courses were available as well.


早在1881年, the 英语系 Language and Literature became embroiled in campus politics. Five of nine faculty members—including Parsons, the head of the 英语 division at the time—submitted a letter to the Board objecting to the president’s interference with curricular design and classroom practices. Parsons did not join the faculty who resigned their positions in protest; instead, he stayed and later became president of the school. 在19世纪90年代, the abrupt dismissal of an 英语 professor produced student “mass meetings” (a euphemism, 当然, for protests) and letters to the Terre Haute newspapers by a group that identified itself as “The Committee of Fifteen.” It got dicey enough that commencement was cancelled.


The name of the Department has changed almost as much as that of the school. Having begun as the 英语系 Language and Literature (with only one faculty member), it morphed into the Department of Grammar and Composition. 后来还, 成立了两个系:阅读系, 修辞, and Literature and 英语 Grammar and Composition. In 1923, these two departments merged to become the 英语系; except for a brief stint as the 英语系 and Journalism in the 1970s, 这个头衔一直保留了下来, even as Indiana State’s name changed from Normal School to Teachers College to University.


With faculty and administrative offices on the second floor of Root Hall and classes in eight buildings across campus, the 英语系 offers two undergraduate majors: 英语 (Liberal Arts) and 英语 Teaching; the Department also offers two minors: 英语 (Liberal Arts) and Creative Writing.  在研究生阶段, the Department offers an MA in 英语 (with concentrations in literature and writing). Beyond the 150 undergraduate majors and thirty graduate majors in 英语, the Department serves every ISU student in every major through Foundational Studies courses in composition and literature. Combining major and minor courses and Foundational Studies courses, the Department offers approximately 190 individual classes each fall and spring semester.


The Department has twenty tenured and tenure-track faculty members (nine professors, 副教授8人, 和三位助理教授), 13教师, 16个讲师, 8名研究生助教. Members of the Department have been duly recognized over the years for their campus contributions: eighteen 英语 faculty have received the Caleb Mills Distinguished Teaching Award; seven have received the Theodore Dreiser Distinguished Research and Creativity Award (one member has been recognized twice); one faculty member has received the 教师 Distinguished Service Award; one has been designated the College of Arts and Science’s Distinguished Professor; and three have received the President’s Medal.

约瑟夫年代. 锡克讲座

The Department is also home to the internationally recognized 约瑟夫年代. 锡克讲座 in Language, Literature, and Lexicography. Since 1989, the Department has hosted from six to ten scholars a year. These visiting scholars present formal lectures, 以及参与阅读, 类访问, 研讨会的讨论, 示威活动, 和表演. Heralding from institutions like Oxford, 剑桥, 哈佛大学, 普林斯顿大学, 耶鲁大学, 棕色(的), 斯坦福大学, 和芝加哥, 著名的学者,比如休斯顿·贝克, 克林斯·布鲁克斯, 特里伊格尔顿, 斯坦利费什, 玛丽莲法国, 亨利·路易斯·盖茨, 唐纳德•霍尔, 休·肯纳, J. Hillis Miller, Paul Muldoon, Stephen Orgel, W.D. Snodgrass, Helen Vendler, and Ian Watt have been welcomed to campus. The Schick series has provided remarkable opportunities for faculty and students in the Department, as well as members of the ISU community.

Having been part of Indiana State from the start, the 英语系 continues its committed work in support of students who join us in the changing world of higher education.


威廉·林奇. A 历史 of Indiana State Teachers College. Terre Haute: Indiana State Teachers College, 1946.