

A Guide to Writing Literature Reviews in 政治科学 and 公共管理




文献综述总结并批判性地分析一个主题或研究问题的研究优势和劣势. 写一篇文献综述, you first collect and read the research that has been written on the topic. 然后你总结这项研究的具体问题, 假设, 分析方法, 和结论. 最好的文献综述然后分析现有的研究,得出结论,其中哪些部分是最有价值和最重要的, 以及未来的研究如何才能对该领域产生最大的影响.

Literature reviews can stand on their own or serve as part of a larger paper. “独立”的文献评论有助于读者了解研究的最新进展. 大多数研究项目, 比如你可能被分配的研究论文或论文, 同时包含文献综述. 这里的目的是向读者展示你的项目对现有研究做出贡献或建立在现有研究基础上的特定领域.


在这种情况下,许多人发现“文学”这个词令人困惑,因为他们把文学与伟大的小说或诗歌作品联系在一起. A literature review summarizes the state of knowledge on a topic or research question. 因此,相关的“文献”包括对该主题或问题的现有知识有所贡献的出版物.

The literature review is also not the place to present your main argument, 你的假设, 你的数据, 你的发现, 或者你的结论. Keep it focused on summarizing and evaluating existing research on your topic.

For a literature review in political science or public administration, 你最有可能在书中找到相关文献, 发表在学术或政策期刊上的文章, 或者研究论文. You are unlikely to find cutting edge research in other sorts of publications, 所以一般来说要避免报纸和杂志上的文章, 评论, 许多政府出版物(除非它们是由政府机构赞助或实施的合法研究成果), 大多数网页. Of course you should ensure that the specific assignment you are preparing is consistent with the advice offered here; when the two conflict, 咨询你的导师.


那么你在哪里找到文献呢? It is tempting to begin by typing a few key words into an internet search engine. 这很可能是对时间的不合理利用. 它将生成到许多网页的链接, 但很少有上述类型的研究文献.


最有效的方法是“滚雪球”法. Here you first identify one or more publications for your literature review. 你现在或以前的课程的教科书通常是为你的文献综述找到至少一些来源的好方法. Textbooks usually cite the most influential and important works on a topic. 因此,找到文章中讨论主题或问题的部分,这是你文献综述的主题. Read the footnotes carefully and obtain copies of the sources cited there.

一旦你有了一些资源,重复这个过程. 大多数这些来源应该有一个简短的文献综述. 您可以在这些文献综述的脚注中引用的来源中挖掘其他重要来源.

Finding the literature review section of a book or article can be surprisingly difficult. 很少有作者把“文献回顾”这一节写进去.” Some are reluctant to directly criticize (and thus cite) earlier work in great detail. 其他人则避免包括冗长的文献综述,这样他们将有更多的空间为研究流做出新的贡献. 寻找文献综述部分的一种方法是寻找一个部分或段落,突出了书或文章对现有知识的新颖贡献. 通常在这一点上,作者会引用你想要阅读的领域的其他作品作为你的评论. 在文章中, this is likely to occur in 介绍 or the first full section; in a book, 文献综述可能会在前言中, 介绍, 或者是第一章. Note that at this point it is not necessary to read the entire book or article. 现在,您只是在挖掘源以获取额外的源.


在政治科学和公共管理的大多数领域中,书籍将是你文献综述的重要来源. 在这里,我想给你一些关于如何在网上搜索图书馆目录找到相关书籍的提示. Note that for a scholarly literature review you are best served by working in a university library; local or municipal libraries are unlikely to hold many of the research books that you want.

Most library catalogues allow you to search for books by author, keyword, title, and so on. These search fields are straightforward and operate in a manner similar to a search engine. 也许最有价值但最少使用的搜索字段是“主题”。. 所有的书都有一个或多个它们所涵盖的主题. 关于这个主题的文献综述的有用之处在于,一旦你找到一本关于这个主题的书, 你可以很容易地搜索到同一主题的所有其他书籍.

下面是一个使用图书馆目录的例子. 让我们想象一下,你的主题是关系是欧盟单一货币的创建. 通过雪球法,你已经确定了这本书(詹姆斯一世). 沃尔什 欧洲货币一体化与国内政治(2000)可能与你的评论相关. You look this book up in the library’s catalog, which produces the following:




欧洲货币一体化 & 国内政治:英国、法国和意大利/詹姆斯一世. 沃尔什.


科罗拉多州博尔德. : Lynne Rienner出版社,2000.





 HG3943 .W34 2000      




HG3943 .W34 2000


x, 182 p. :病了. ; 24 cm.


包括参考书目(p. 169-175)和指数.














1555878237 (hard: walk. 纸)

注意底部的“主题”标题. These are all of the subject classifications for which this book qualifies. The last heading—“经济与货币联盟”—seems most relevant to your work. If you click on this it brings up a link for the topic as well as the number of entries (i.e. 其他的书)属于这个标题. 点击这个链接将会出现一个列表,里面列出了图书馆保存的关于这个主题标题的所有标题.


你现在可以浏览这个列表,找出你感兴趣的其他书籍,作为文献综述. 请注意,这些书中的许多都有相似的书号,并被放在图书馆的同一部分. 所以你可能想去图书馆看看, 找到存放这些作品的架子, and quickly skim through them to determine which books you need and which books you do not.

你也可以搜索其他大学图书馆的图书目录,那里有更多的藏书. 藏书特别丰富的图书馆包括 美国国会图书馆哈佛大学 (点击HOLLIS目录的链接),以及 耶鲁大学. If you find a book that our library does not own, you can request to borrow it through our library. Note that Inter-图书馆 Loan books often take a week or more to arrive, so make sure you search other library’s catalogues well before your paper is due.


文章 in scholarly journals are another important source of literature for your review. Atkins library subscribes to databases that allow you to search for articles and, 在大多数情况下, 下载你找到的文章的全文.

该库经常更改其订阅的数据库, so it is more difficult to give precise instructions about how to search for articles than for books. 在这里,我将重点介绍一些一般的技巧. 你应该向研究馆员咨询更具体的问题. 请注意,要访问这些数据库, 你必须使用校园内的电脑, 或者远程登录到图书馆的服务器.

The library organizes its databases by subject category or alphabetically. The categories most likely to be relevant to your search include Africana Studies, 政府及法律, 政治科学, 公共管理, 及公共政策. 点击这些链接会把你带到一个网页,上面列出了图书馆订阅的所有相关的文章数据库.

这些数据库中有许多将您想要搜索的学术期刊与其他出版物(如报纸和杂志)混合在一起. 你怎么知道什么是学术期刊,什么不是? Some databases allow you to restrict your search to “scholarly” or “peer reviewed” journals; if so, 选择此选项. 你也可以向你的导师要一份涵盖你的主题的最重要期刊的清单, or if a specific publication would be appropriate for your literature review.


谷歌学术是一个新的和有价值的工具,查找相关的作品. It includes books, scholarly articles, unpublished research papers, and other sources. 您可能能够在这里找到没有出现在我们图书馆的目录和文章数据库的来源.

最好从谷歌学术搜索开始 高级搜索. 这允许你搜索关键字和短语, 消除包含特定单词的结果, 把你的搜索限制在特定的日期.


Once you have located the relevant scholarly literature, how should you review it? In general, it is a bad idea to review the literature work by work or in chronological order. 大多数这样的评论都太长了. 它们也很无聊.

A better way to organize the literature is by what I will call schools of thought. Here you group the existing literature by some criteria and discuss each of these schools of thought. For example, the literature might fall into distinct theoretical traditions. 或者在不同的出版物中使用的方法可能在重要方面有所不同. 或者文献可能是针对不同的研究问题, 或者为同一个研究问题提供不同的答案.

按照思想流派来组织你的文献综述比其他方法有很多优点. It means that you may not need to discuss each work cited in any detail. Instead, you can summarize the elements that these works share in common. 以这种方式组织的评论比按每一部作品或按时间顺序组织的评论有趣得多. 一个流派的文学评论也更容易写. 原因是你可以, 至少一开始是这样, treat each school of thought as its own mini-literature review by analyzing its questions, 方法, 和结论. 如果你以这种方式组织你的工作,你就不太可能被总结许多不同的研究出版物的需要所淹没. 按照思想流派进行组织也让我们更容易决定未来的研究如何以一种最有助于我们对一个主题或研究问题的集体知识的方式进行.

All literature reviews MUST properly cite the research that it discusses and analyzes. 这在文献综述中尤其重要,因为你的读者可能不仅对你写的关于某个主题的现有作品感兴趣, but also may want to use your list of references to begin investigating the topic in greater detail.


To make things more concrete, let me give an example from a recent paper. 下面是第一段:

                                     When does the failure of a policy lead decision makers to alter or replace it? How does policy failure influence the form and content of subsequent policy? Three                                                  streams of research address these questions.

So this paragraph reminds the reader of the research question that motives the entire article, that I am about to review what existing research has to say about this question, 我把这项研究分成了三个思想流派.

The article terms these schools of thought the accountability, ideas, and garbage can approaches. 每所学校, I first identify how works within this school answer the research question, 然后找出我认为这所学校的差距或弱点. 其目的是为下一节讨论如何更令人满意地解决这些弱点和差距奠定基础. 请注意,对每个思想流派的讨论实际上是对这些作品的微型文献回顾, and that the citations combine many works rather than address them sequentially or chronologically.

借用自UNCC的James 沃尔什